I promise this is the last post that I will do about the Zimmerman Trial. I was moved by Juror B29 to make a comment. Check out the video of Juror B29 speaking out about her feelings after the George Zimmerman Trial.
In my circle; we are DEVASTATED by the circumstances that lead to Trayvon Martin’s death. We are devastated by the outcome of the trial. In my world George Zimmerman represent a sort of unspoken code that we all know. We teach our kids at a very early age certain things that will ensure their survival:
1. Know how to behave if approached by people of authority.
2. No sudden moves.
3. Be respectful even when you are disrespected.
4. If you are being followed go to a safe and lit location.
5. Don’t upset people in authority because you could get hurt or DIE.
When Juror B29 stepped out it is upsetting. Why did she not fight to the end? Why are the laws constructed this way? It’s very easy to be mad at her. I was a little annoyed when I heard about her feelings of “guilt”. But I marvel at her strength. Nobody wants to feel like a piranha. How much courage it must have taken to step up and share her thoughts and apologies to the Martin family. Juror B29 had the following to say,
“It’s hard for me to sleep; it’s hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin’s death. And as I carry him on my back, I’m hurting as much [as] Trayvon’s Martin’s mother because there’s no way that any mother should feel that pain.”
Trayvon Martin’s mother responded in the way most people in my circle responded,
“It is devastating for my family to hear the comments from juror B29, comments which we already knew in our hearts to be true. That George Zimmerman literally got away with murder.”
I commend B29 for opening up. I commend the country for rallying around the Martin family and addressing local government when it comes to these laws that impact us all. It’s time that we have the courage to voice our opinions. It’s time that we step up and be the people that we hope to be. Ones who stand up for their convictions no matter what.
With the pretty brand I try to stay light-hearted and fun but my spirit wants me to delve into issues that I discuss with my family and friends.
I would love to hear your thoughts below.
Source via: Washington Post.